Our Projects
A Little Bird Co. creates projects in order to spread kindness to others, but what exactly are those projects? Below you'll find documents explaining projects we've completed in the past. To try one of these projects yourself, you can check out the Printables page.
Project Six Strings
Project Six Strings revolves, of course, around the goal of spreading kindness and positivity. But the specific purpose of Project Six Strings is to identify and encourage the good traits in others. This project is great for schools and environments with lots of students, friends, and/or family members. Each person receives a note with a string around it, each string represents a trait, and each note talks more about that specific trait. The traits are:
Red- Bravery
Orange- Humor
Yellow- Kindness
Green- Loyalty
Blue- Intelligence
Purple- Creativity
The notes tell the person the string's color and their trait, and remind that person that they can utilize their specific attribute to help others. Project Six Strings encourages people to use their gifts for good.